Lovely memorable gesture

They had heard the birthday part and decided to pay our bill!



Lovely memorable gesture

After enjoying a quiet, lovely steak birthday dinner with my husband at the Cobblestone Pub, I told the waitress that because it was my birthday we wanted to share a dessert. She then said, oh, I should have asked you for an ID when I served you a drink! My husband replied that I was 21 (going on 78)! Then it was time to pay the bill, but the waitress told us it had been paid by the gentleman and co. at the next table. We could not see them or they us as there is a plastic partition between tables because of Covid.

We looked to see who the benefactors were and they were two young couples whom we had never met before. They had heard the birthday part and decided to pay our bill! Unbelievable and memorable. There are some fine people here. Thank you so much. It restores one’s belief in kind people in these negative and disruptive times..

Bonnie Pronk

Cobble Hill

Cowichan Valley Citizen