Media influenced election with negative coverage of Stephen Harper

I have never seen news media as against a prime minister as they recently were, says Creston letter writer Don Schwab...

To the Editor:

Our recent federal election left a bad taste in my mouth. I am not a card-carrying member of any political party and have been following politics for more than 60 years. I have never seen news media as against a prime minister as they recently were. Both CBC and CTV newscasters never had one positive word to say about Mr. Harper. What’s more, his time coverage in the newscasts was about one-third of the coverage for each individual leader from the other parties. I have no doubt we have the right party in power but who chose them?

If this would have happened with our neighbours to the south I think there would have been a lot of lawsuits going on. We all know it was time for a change in federal politics but why not let the people make up their own minds? I would like to make up my own mind without the help of the newscasters.

Don Schwab


Creston Valley Advance