Mel responds

Resident pleased with the actions of the North Okanagan-Shuswap MP

I recently inspected the new mobility-challenged deck that MP Mel Arnold has had installed in front of his office on 30th in the old CNR Station.

I just would like to commend Mr. Arnold for this, although I alluded to it in a previous letter.  I contacted Mel’s office about snow blockage a few weeks ago and he responded to that concern right away.

If the level of responsiveness that Mr. Arnold has demonstrated so far, along with ongoing feedback to and from the community, my disappointment at not seeing the candidate I supported, get elected, will be more than assuaged by a man who appears to be doing a great job so far.

Gosh, I might even swing over to the right one more time if the Conservatives can get their act together.


Dean Roosevelt



Vernon Morning Star