Misinformation presented on effects of smoke
I was dismayed to read the prevalent misinformation about smoke in two of the articles in the Sunday TC — Lawrie McFarlane and also surprisingly the Kleinberg brothers. I feel that if Lawrie McFarlane writes a column on the effects of smoke, he needs to do his research.
There are actually many heart and stroke diseases that precede lung issues in the deleterious effects of smoke. In fact those of us that run the many breathe clean air societies up and down this coast often joke that the respiratory sufferers could be considered the “lucky” ones — because at least they know what to avoid! The cardiac sufferers are often blindsided by smoke’s effect on them — and suddenly have a big problem they didn’t see coming and didn’t know they could have tried to prevent.
The huge problem with smoke inhalation is the fact that the particulate (PM 2.5) is too small (far smaller than the diameter of hair) for the body’s defenses — mucociliary and otherwise to handle. It becomes embedded in the bloodstream and flesh and affects every organ in the body and is causational in many diseases — no one is immune.
We have a large Airshed Roundtable here in Cowichan as well as a citizens awareness group FACT — Fresh Air Cowichan Team — as smoke is a huge problem on the coast with the locked in valleys on our inside passage blocked by islands.
There is a great deal of knowledge in these roundtables and citizen groups on this coast — these are the ones that need to be quoted and listened to — in order to understand the real effects of smoke pollution.
It would be wise for us all to check the Purple Air Map and/or the B.C. government AQ Index before heading out to initiate outdoor activities. We have a wonderful network of purple air monitors on the island now — that give up to the minute data on air quality.
Jennifer Lawson
Cowichan Valley