Missing item

Letter writer concerned about buggy being stolen from elderly mother

I am so disheartened with certain members of the human race, talk about low.

My 90-year-old mother lives in an apartment  on 30th Avenue and Alexis Park Drove and is on a fixed income.

At least twice a week, I take her out to shop for groceries, pick up her laundry, etc.

She takes these things up and down from her second floor apartment with one of those tall, upright wire carts with the wheels on the back.

Only this one was made especially for her by my dad, who has been gone for 14 years now.

He put on large wheels off of a pram-buggy so it could hold more.

She also used it to take out the garbage/recycling too.

She’d lock it when leaving it outside while she was out, but couldn’t see to unlock it, so despite hiding it behind the dumpster, someone thought it was theirs for the taking.

It is easy to identify. One of the wheels is worn down. It is over 40 years old.

I hope they are happy making a 90-year-old woman’s life a little harder.

Name Withheld



Vernon Morning Star