Missing the point

Resident questions made by a member of Coldstream council

In reference to the story in The Morning Star, entitled GE concerns surface in Coldstream, with all due respect for Coldstream council, if they agree with the quote from Coun. Richard Enns, they have entirely missed the point about the threat of GE crops.  Mr. Enns says that the larger issue is labelling.

How would labelling solve the problem of crop contamination by cross-pollination?

And how would labelling even make a difference? Most foods sold may contain genetically modified ingredients.

In some cases even certified organic crops may possibly have been contaminated. So everything would have to be labelled?

It is stated at the end of the report that council can “certainly write to the senior levels of government about labelling.”

How though can council expect other levels of government to take a stand if they themselves refuse to do so?

The larger issue is not labelling but doing the right thing.

Russ Collins

Rural Lumby


Vernon Morning Star