To the Editor,
Much has been written recently of the need for Nanaimo to have a major focus as a tourism draw.
There could be that iconic place – and the Friends of Morden Mine have been working very hard to convince the rest of us that it is doable.
I am writing of the headframe and tipple of the old Morden Mine.
The Friends have done much of the preliminary work that could lead to this structure being restored, with an interpretation centre/museum.
This would be the only restoration of what was once a major industry on Vancouver Island. It would be of great interest to locals and visitors alike, and could be useful to school classes.
The recent Friends newsletter reports on a meeting with Terry Lake, the minister of the environment, who was urged to undertake repairs.
Perhaps the minister needs to hear from more folks who would like to see this restoration become a reality.
For their part, the Friends would undertake to fundraise for an interpretation centre. The website is
B. Hourston