A hummingbird makes the rounds at the Jensen-Olson Arboretum on June 30, 2019. (Courtesy Photo

More love for Brenda Mallory

Letter writers thank Brenda for all the years of her column Spice of Life

This is just a little note to thank you for all of the articles you have written for The Interior News and other news media over the years.

We’ve always made it a point to read your column first as it was always interesting and informative. Plus we got to know more about the life you live there in Telkwa.

The Interior News will not be the same without you!

We wish you the very best in the coming years and, being a bit older ourselves, we can understand when you say your health is slipping. We are also finding our memory is slipping badly.

With our best wishes to you and God bless!

Harry and Audrey Kruisselbrink.

PS. We hope that you will soon get to see hummingbirds such as the one in the photo above.


Brenda’s final column: You have shared your lives with me; you have given me endless topics

OUR TOWN: Spice of Brenda: Our long-time columnist gets frank (when wasn’t she?)

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