Emergency crews and passersby eased trauma for a mother and two children whose vehicle flipped  on 144 Street.

Emergency crews and passersby eased trauma for a mother and two children whose vehicle flipped on 144 Street.

Mother grateful for assistance


Re: Children in flipped SUV, Feb. 7.

I was the driver of the white SUV involved in Monday’s accident.


Re: Children in flipped SUV, Feb. 7.

I was the driver of the white SUV involved in Monday’s accident.

The children are actually 2½ years and six months old, not four and five as reported in the story. (Editor’s note: The ages were contained in the police report.)

We’re certainly shaken up, but very grateful that our vehicle and properly-secured car seats did their jobs and kept our children safe in this accident.

I’m also grateful to the caring bystanders who held my kids after I passed them out of the vehicle, the kind nurse who stopped to attend to my daughter and the first responders for doing such an incredible job – yesterday and every day.

Kate Donegani, Surrey


Peace Arch News