Cathy McLeod is M.P. for Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo.

MP McLeod proud of team, party, constituents in 2020

Year in review

Cathy McLeod, Member of Parliament for Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo, says in spite of the challenges 2020 presented, she is proud of how constituents, her team, and the Conservative Party stepped up to serve those in need.

“This year both my team and party were united and focused on helping Canadians with the COVID crisis,” said McLeod. “With the closure of Service Canada at the height of the pandemic, my team stepped up and worked around the clock to get answers on programs available, how to access much-needed funding and helped many return home from overseas.”

She added the Conservative Party also worked hard to fix the gaps in the Liberal’s emergency programs and that despite spending billions of dollars, it is easy to leave millions of Canadians behind.

Canada’s unemployment rate is 8.5 percent, among the highest in the G7. But the federal government, said McLeod, has spent more than any other country in the OECD.

In parliament, the Conservatives fought hard for accountability and were successful in passing motions to force the federal government to do a health study into its pandemic response, called for an end of punishing audits on small businesses during the pandemic, pushed the Liberals to establish a 30-day timeline to make a decision about banning Huawei, and demanded a plan to combat Chinese intimidation of Canadians, and called for a COVID-19 vaccine rollout plan, so Canadians will know when they can expect each vaccine type to be available and how many will be available per month.

“For me personally, I was most proud of the constituents of this great riding. They never fail when times get tough and we tried hard to capture that with our bi-monthly e-newsletter featuring those who have gone above and beyond during this tumultuous time,” said McLeod. “There are too many to name, but their determination, grit and kind-heartedness make me proud to call Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo my home.”

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