Must be moratorium on 5G now

Must be moratorium on 5G now

Presentation by Drs. Pall and Schoechleder showed Health Canada safety standards virtually useless

Must be moratorium on 5G now

It is unfortunate that no representatives from local, regional, provincial or federal levels were unable to attend the meeting in Duncan, July 2; even though invitations were sent. Two eminent PhD scientists presented information that unanimously convinced the 120 people in attendance that there must be a moratorium on 5G NOW.

In light of the fact that another respected Canadian Trent University professor, Dr. Magda Havas, presented an excellent research in Vancouver 10 years ago, it is appalling that Health Canada and every other level of government involving telecommunications, infrastructure and safety has not stepped up to the plate to stop this years ago! See link to her presentation below.

The presentation by Drs. Pall and Schoechleder clearly showed that Health Canada safety standards are virtually useless. They have not taken into consideration any biological effects i.e. DNA damage, reproductive, neural (brain) effects that have been proven by so many non-industry funded studies.

It is a joke that the industry funded studies limit their test to six minute exposure! Who is only exposed to six minutes to these technologies? It took me longer than that to find your email!

Peer reviewed studies show the negative impacts on all lifeforms, not just humans and all other mammals, but insects, including bees, which we know are critical to food production.

Food security and climate change are supposedly both high priorities with local governments, on which many tax dollars have been spent. What will be the point if there are no pollinators and no place safe to grow food? (Let alone any people with functioning brains who remember how to, unless 5G programs them with this knowledge). Science has also proven nothing edible will grow in areas around high intensity beams from existing cell towers, and high voltage power lines. 5G is known to be exponentially more damaging.

In appreciation of knowing your time and energy constraints, perhaps you do not have time to really understand the crisis that will be greater than anything compared to climate change? Please take even one hour to educate yourself on what may be one of the most important issues in your life.

Read why 180 scientists worldwide have asked for a moratorium in the European Union:

Watch this presentation by Canadian Dr. Havas, Professor from Trent University. Her information is startling, not only in the proven dangers it presents, but also in the fact that she did this 10 years ago, and governments have done nothing to protect us.

Dr. Magda Havas on Wireless Technology:, and/or read “Every man is guilty of all the good he failed to do.” Voltaire

Will YOU take some action NOW?

Lorene Benoit


Cowichan Valley Citizen