Why is it that some people seem to think that changing the name of the highway through the city will slow traffic down?
One only has to drive up to Courtenay via the Oceanside Route to see a name change does nothing. On entering Courtenay from Royston, the highway becomes Cliff Avenue and the speed limit is
50 km-h. Does the fact that the name has changed slow the traffic? Not one bit.
In parts of Europe, the UK for one, they have painted the speed limit on the roadway in big bold numbers and this seems to help. I met with one of the councillors a couple of months ago at “coffee with council” and brought this suggestion to her attention, complete with photos. I am still waiting for a response.
As for the suggestion of turning the highway through town into a single lane with angle parking, this is an accident waiting to happen. Just imagine drivers trying to reverse out into oncoming traffic.
Frank LeachParksville