NDP no longer the working man’s party

Your readers will no doubt be shocked, given our recent give and take, to see me support David Lowther’s letter

Your readers will no doubt be shocked, given our recent give and take, to see me support David Lowther’s letter entitled “Stuff Like this keeps me up at night.”

However, Mr. Lowther shouldn’t be surprised. There is little that is democratic about  “social democracy” and the further left you go, the less honour is given to common sense and personal merit. Leftist ideology is all that matters, and if that means the wrong person is chosen for the job so be it.

The NDP “equity mandate” is a nightmarish affront to human rights, and we all know it. Racist and sexist discrimination is alive and well in the NDP. As Mr. Lowther stated, white middle aged men need not apply, and devoutly Christian white middle aged men should not even grace the local riding office. Back of the bus for them.

However, if you are a mixed race, gay or transgendered woman, or a binary or interkin youth, the red carpet is out for you. Is the NDP the working man’s party? Not anymore. It might better be described as the C.M.S.E.C., the Cultural Marxist Social Engineering Party of Canada.


Perry Foster


Cowichan Valley Citizen