Editor, The News:
Re: Fern Crescent realignment project
I drive Fern Crescent every day, usually four times a day. On a sunny autumn morning, its beauty rivals that of Maple Ridge’s Shady Lane on 124th Avenue – golden beams cutting through glistening evergreens, morning mist illuminating ancient tree trunks.
Does this trump the cost of damaged RV’s? Yes, absolutely.
Does this trump the safety of our citizens? No.
Will people still speed and drive recklessly, regardless of the city’s good intentions? Yes.
Here’s my main concern with this project: There is only one road in and out of the neighbourhood. An accident on that tight, winding road (I can recall one in recent memory) or construction would cause a major inconvenience. This past summer, a huge source of anxiety for us was the threat of forest fires.
Imagine construction on that road and some natural disaster or emergency where there is no other road out. We’d be fleeing on foot. This would put considerably more people in danger.
If safety is the main concern for this very expensive project, then shouldn’t the first priority be building a second road in/out of our neighbourhood?
Matt McGreevy
Maple Ridge