Negativity of council reporting is unsettling

The time has come when I no longer look forward to reading the local newspapers, as they are printing such negative articles involving the election.

Editor: The time has come when I no longer look forward to reading the local newspapers, as they are printing such negative articles involving the election.  The lack of objectivity in both our papers is unsettling and such biased reporting appears unprofessional. In fact, I feel it affects the integrity of journalism.

It has become more and more apparent that the members who wish to be re-elected as Township councillors are reporting nothing but derogatory items about the mayor, instead of stressing what good contributions they plan for benefit of the community.

Why drag up old news at this time, and report comments which add to the questionable values of the candidates making those comments?

The lack of respect for the mayor’s office has made Langley Township the laughing stock of the Lower Mainland. We certainly look forward to more co-operation and respect among our elected representatives in the future, and hope to see their valuable time spent on important community issues.

Bays Blackhall,




Langley Times