New meters move toward police state

Re: Zalm joins the Hydro conspiracy club, B.C. Views, Nov. 3.

To the Editor,

Re: Zalm joins the Hydro conspiracy club, B.C. Views, Nov. 3.

B.C. Views was half amusing and half scary.

These meters in fact do record the precise time power use fluctuates.

They know the rate of average draw for evert electrical appliance being used.

Zalm may not be far off, truth can be a jagged little pill and hard to swallow.

I’ll mention the near-billion dollar cost and the people pogey is a pretty poor predicament when the world economy is plummeting.

Interesting that Tom Fletcher suggests it’s for invading the No. 1 cash crop in B.C.

Now I get it – one step closer to a police state.

Neil Saunders


Nanaimo News Bulletin