Letter writers from the Canadian Association of Physicians for the environment support a ban on the use and sale of lawn pesticides in B.C.

Letter writers from the Canadian Association of Physicians for the environment support a ban on the use and sale of lawn pesticides in B.C.

New pesticide rules won’t protect us

We believe that Bill 8 gives lawn companies, many of which are heavy users of pesticides, license to spray at will.

On Feb. 20, the B.C. government introduced a bill that will require everyone using pesticides on lawns and gardens to be licensed. The practical implication is that professional pesticide applicators will be able to spray weed-killers and insecticides on private residential property with impunity.

The government suggests its proposed legislation will enhance public safety. We don’t agree. We believe that Bill 8 gives lawn companies, many of which are heavy users of pesticides, licence to spray at will.

The government seems to believe that if poisons are used by licensed personnel they are acceptable. Pesticides pose significant health risks for people and the environment no matter who sprays them.

Research done by family physicians shows that people exposed to pesticides are at greater risk for brain, prostate, kidney, and pancreatic cancers. The science also shows that pesticide use is linked to neurological diseases such as Alzheimer and Parkinson’s disease. Children exposed to these chemicals are more likely to contract leukemia. Women exposed to high levels of pesticides during pregnancy are more likely to have a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and reduced IQ. Exposed children are also at increased risk for asthma.

The Ministry of Environment says its new bill will “ensure cosmetic pesticides are being used safely and responsibly.” This misses the point. Pesticides cannot be made safe. The government is misleading British Columbians by appearing to enhance public health when in fact it is not.

The only way to protect British Columbians is to reduce synthetic lawn pesticide usage to zero.

BC should scrap this bill and instead legislate a true ban – one that would require both homeowners and lawn companies to use kid-friendly, non-toxic products.

To bring that point home, last week the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment and its partners are launching a province-wide advertising campaign. The ads feature the names of over 100 doctors and nurses who support a strong pesticide prohibition.

If we want to protect our kids – not to mention our lakes, drinking water, and beloved family pets – we need to listen to our health professionals. And the latter are saying with one firm and credible voice: Ban the use and sale of lawn pesticides across B.C.


Gideon  Forman, Executive Director

Dr. Warren Bell, Founding President

Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment

Surrey Now Leader