

No justification for Duncan bypass, viaduct

Let's let only the citizens of Duncan pay those taxes and see if either are a viable solution.

No justification for Duncan bypass, viaduct

Really? Suggestions of hundreds of millions to be spent on a bypass of Duncan or about the same on a viaduct?

Let’s let only the citizens of Duncan pay those taxes and see if either are a viable solution. There are many more province-wide transportation needs that should come ahead these ideas. Suggestions for Duncan traffic that are easy to suggest (without much thought), but not so easy to accomplish. And what would be accomplished? A savings of 10 minutes travel time tops?

Duncan is not as geographically large as Nanaimo, so a comparison is a red herring. If one wanted to play that game one could compare the traffic through Duncan to getting anywhere in Vancouver during rush hour, with the latter being significantly more time consuming.

How about a very simple solution? Synchronized traffic lights. They have proven effective where they have been used and cost very little in comparison to either a bypass or viaduct. The amount of traffic needed to justify either of those two options is generations away, whereas timed lights can be used today.

Peter Morris

Mill Bay

Cowichan Valley Citizen