No mention in study of park privatization

I really take offense at Mr Albas’ recent article regarding the Glacier Discovery Walk proposed for Jasper National Park.

Dear Editor:

I really take offense  at Mr Albas’ recent article regarding the Glacier Discovery Walk proposed for Jasper National Park. Talk about misinformation.

I have the information he is referring to in front of me and nowhere does it mention Jasper is being privatized nor sold nor that an international company is going to charge user fees to enter the park.

He mentions a 2010 public consultation process to establish a vision for the Icefields Parkway.

Not one word is mentioned in this study about commercial development of the parkway.

This walkway would replace a public viewpoint that is now free and the view would be exactly the same as it is now, except there would be a $30 fee to see it.

How ridiculous.

Jack Templeton



Summerland Review