No new fire trucks needed now

I read the article where the District of Sooke Council is considering the puchase of a new fire truck.

It referred to the Fire Underwriters Survey saying that the old equipment should be replaced.

It also stated in the article that if not our fire insurance will go up.

So, I did two things. I called the Fire Underwriters in Burnaby and asked, “if Sooke did not replace one of it’s fire trucks would our insurance rates go up?”

I was told it isn’t that simple — there can be as many as 500 elements which determine a community’s fire fighting rating. The rating determines the insurance cost to people. Sooke has fully acceptable front line and backup equipment.

Then I read the February, 2010 Fire Underwriters Survey.  The survey says we have six trucks and one of its conclusions states, “The Fire department has an apparatus fleet that can provide an effective level of service to the community.” (In fire fighting jargon apparatus means fire truck).

The conclusions do not recommend buying a new truck. Spending that kind of money is not warranted at this time.

Rick Kasper


Sooke News Mirror