No reason to believe Liberals about HST

Re: Reason to reject HST needs explaining again, Letters, March 28, 2012.

Re: Reason to reject HST needs explaining again, Letters, March 28, 2012.

A recent writer to this paper claims the HST was rejected because a) they felt misled during the last provincial election and b) it was tax-shift from corporations onto individuals.

Regardless of people’s personal individual reasons to vote one way or another on the HST, the real question is why are people complaining about being misled by the B.C. Liberals?

Long before the 2009 election started the Gordon Campbell government already breached its promise not to sell B.C. Rail, not to tear up contracts, not to fire massive public sector employees that support small business and breached their promise that we would all get health care when and where we need it the list goes on.

Most people did not mind as long as it had an adverse effect on their neighbour and not them, as evident by the Liberals being re-elected twice.

Fool me once shame on you but fool me twice and it is shame on me. Can’t claim I was misled because I will admit to voting against Campbell for at least the last three B.C. elections.

He said he would not bring in the HST and then when he did, he said it was revenue neutral. Of course a government will say those things.  I wouldn’t trust Campbell to tell me the time in a room full of clocks.

Andre Mollon




Goldstream News Gazette