No right to conscript people into armed forces
Re: “Solution to cycle of homelessness, mental illness, drug abuse, violence”, (Citizen, Feb. 15)
I was horrified to read that letter. What right has anyone to send anyone else to the armed forces of Canada, or anywhere else? Also, why do people automatically assume that if a person is homeless, suffering from mental illness, or addicted, that they also indulge in criminal activities. I have worked extensively with people in these situations, and feel compassion for their suffering.
Turn over to page 10 in that same newspaper as the letter, and read the experience of one woman, in that situation. Notice her courage and determination: to graduate, to seek help with her illness and addiction, in the B.C. centre.
Then notice how, in a situation where she is believed in as a valued individual, encouraged and helped to recover, she can make the necessary changes. She learns to believe in her capabilities, then gently helped and supported to gradually return to normal life.
What we need for these human beings are more centres like this B.C. centre. We need the courage and determination to see that this happens.
Mari Brown