
Nobody denying need to expand Duncan Manor

Why not upgrade an area rather than downgrade another?

Nobody denying need to expand Duncan Manor

The writer who suggested that there are, is very mistaken! I believe that everyone understands Duncan Manor needs to expand into a new improved, larger facility, but they feel the expansion should be constructed in a new location that does not encroach upon and negatively alter our much loved Centennial Park. It’s beautifully designed and is the one and only real family park in the area. That same writer wonders if those expressing their objections to current plans “ever go to Centennial Park themselves?”. Well Joe, guess what, most of the letter writers objecting to the expanded Manor’s effect on the park live near it, and use it on a daily basis. Do you?

Some time ago the mayor suggested upgrading the Whistler Street area east of the highway. It would be great to build a new, lovely, Duncan Manor in an area near there. The residents would be much closer to supermarkets, the Sportsplex/library, fast food outlets and all kinds of shopping, than they are in the present location. Why not upgrade an area rather than downgrade another? THAT would be true urban renewal!

Gale Ludvigsen


Cowichan Valley Citizen