
Non-essential ferry travel should be banned for Christmas

When the current restrictions were announced, we did as instructed and canceled our plans.

Non-essential ferry travel should be banned for Christmas

Copy of a letter to Premier Horgan and Dr. Henry:

I am extremely concerned over an apparent conflict in enforcement of last week’s restrictions and the double standard that is causing.

The current restrictions state “No social gatherings of any size at your residence with anyone other than your household or core bubble” plus “At this time, all non-essential travel should be avoided. This includes travel into and out of B.C. and between regions of the province”.

My wife and I were planning to spend Christmas in Victoria with her sister and husband. There would be just the four of us. We all wear masks, social distance and take precautions when outside our homes. We feel we are safe and had no qualms about being together.

When the current restrictions were announced, we did as instructed and canceled our plans. However it seems others either did not get the message or have chosen to ignore the rules. So please tell me why BC Ferries should allow non-essential travellers to openly flout the rules and travel, when others of us have had our plans cancelled to help reduce the case counts.

The possible increase in cases following Thanksgiving holiday will be nothing compared to what could happen at Christmas. You just have took at the U.S. to see what large numbers of travellers portend.

Please step up and give BC Ferries the authority to refuse boarding of anyone not showing proof that their travel is absolutely essential. They already refuse boarding of individuals who do not follow the mask mandate. This is no different.

If people are allowed to travel on BC Ferries to attend non-essential gatherings elsewhere, then I feel the current provincial guidelines and restrictions are worthless and will degrade the public’s confidence and compliance.

Thank you for your consideration on this matter.

Barry Kimble


Cowichan Valley Citizen