Not exactly cabins

The motivation for this proposal is all about the money

These are not cabins on the beach, however Mr. Walsh would like to cushion his language (The News, May 15).

These are residential houses that he is building on our beach — two and three-storey loft houses. All will have cars. Go down to that lot and take a look. Try to imagine what 81 houses  and likely cars will look like down there.

Mr. Walsh represents a consortium out of Fort McMurray whose only interest is making a great deal of money. All of it will be at our expense. We’ll have to live with it and not one of them will ever see it other than Mr. Walsh. He doesn’t live here.

Mayor Burger has been quoted as saying there’s nothing they can do other than review form and character. Perhaps they can stop any fill going in there. Perhaps they can cut the number of houses to a more manageable number.

Perhaps they can protect the trees there. Perhaps they can stick to the zoning, which is tourist commercial. This does nothing to help tourism. Quite frankly it will drive them away. Tourism is what drives this city’s economy. The Brant geese will been driven away even more, so there goes that festival. Why are we, as a city allowing building on a flood plain anyway?

What a very sad future this city has because the planners and the council will not stand up for the wants and needs of it’s citizens.

Sally Soanes





Parksville Qualicum Beach News