Not vaccinating pets is animal cruelty

Not vaccinating pets is animal cruelty

To the editor;

To the editor;

From the world of stupid ideas comes a stunningly stupid idea, not vaccinating pets because they may get autism. Not vaccinating pets is not only wrong, it’s actually animal cruelty and should be treated as such.

The science of vaccination has been proven again and again and yet people still refer to one disproven, faulty research paper. They make climate change deniers look like amateurs.

The consequence of not vaccinating is easy to spot with a recent breakout of measles and its spots. For most of us past a certain age measles were a nuisance, but let’s not forget it also killed some people. There are now laws mandating vaccinations as the welfare of the community outweighs the concerns of a mistaken few.

Pets are also subject to a number of illnesses that can be easily prevented with vaccinations, and yet some people refuse to protect their pets’ health.

Although Autism has a broad range of indicators, the ones often mentioned are a lack of communication skills and repetitive behaviour, descriptions that match my cat’s behaviour most of the time.

It is clear who should be muzzled, and if they don’t vaccinate their children, who should be neutered.


Dennis Fitzgerald



Barriere Star Journal