Nothing new in missing women’s report

Wally Oppal didn’t uncover a hidden treasure chest of secrets; he just regurgitated the obvious.

Re: Missing women’s report.

Was Wally Oppal, a one-time attorney general in B.C.’s Liberal government, the right man for the job of commissioner for the Pickton inquiry?

The answer was obvious before he spent $10 million of taxpayers’ money. Oppal’s credibility was tainted by his political baggage right from the start.

Since Oppal released his 63 recommendations, the B.C. Liberals have been scurrying about expressing their sudden concern. If they were sincerely concerned about the plight of forsaken women, especially those in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, the Liberals would have acted long ago. Wally Oppal didn’t uncover a hidden treasure chest of secrets; he just regurgitated the obvious.

Furthermore, Oppal could have submitted a two- or three-page summary months ago, instead of writing 1,448 pages that will go largely unread.

But the timing for the release  of his report is good for the B.C. Liberals. They can now make lots of political promises and announce a few substantive changes during the spring election.

A cynic might think this media manipulating strategy was thought up by one of Premier Clark’s clever high-paid handlers.


Lloyd Atkins


Surrey Now Leader