Numbers don’t add up

I am somewhat confused by the reader’s numbers on the horrendous (his words) deer problem

I am somewhat confused by the reader’s numbers on the horrendous (his words) deer problem (Oak Bay News Nov. 14).  As an engineer I have a slight knowledge of math, but 250 deer in 2014? My math skills must be seriously lacking as the Oak Bay deer count this year was 94 and rumour has it these included deer that had been killed. How 94 becomes 4,000 in four years really baffles me.

Even if it were 250, just how effective would culling 25 be? That leaves 225 more to be culled and at a cost of $500 per deer (last year’s figures) which means taxpayers will be responsible for another $112,500 for 2014 alone.

David Robertson

Oak Bay


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