Old Youbou Mill site should be park
Elk and bear standing together. The newly restored monument at the blinking light crossroads of Youbou Road and Cowichan Lake Road looks beautiful, but incomplete.
In many people’s opinion there should be a statue of an elk standing on top of the monument between the two black bears. As a resident of this community for over 28 years, I can testify to the very large presence of beautiful elk herds living and surviving here. They are by far more evident then bears throughout the year, and therefore should represent this area at least as well as the black bear. May I further point out that the area in and around the old Youbou Mill site (with constant elk and bear sightings) should be designated as either a provincial or national park.
The government chould buy it and set it aside for future generations to enjoy and prosper from. People from all over the world come here to see wildlife now, and will come in greater numbers as years go by. Not only that, a park could have a lodge and gathering area that could employ a few people every year to do “no trace hiking tours” to see the elk and bears.
Allowing it to become anything other than a pristine park would be a travesty to future generation. As well, I’m certain it would receive the blessings of local First Nations for the same reasons. Perhaps with the formation of the new NDP government, a park could actually be accomplished soon!
Hopeful for the preservation of Mother Natures future,
Darryl Scott Alsbrook