One time only

I concur with Anthonie Den Boef’s opinion (letter to the editor in the Dec. 29 edition of The NEWS)

I concur with Anthonie Den Boef’s opinion (letter to the editor in the Dec. 29 edition of The NEWS) on drug addicts’ receiving one taxpayer-funded chance to be helped.

These individuals have chosen to use illicit drugs and are willing to risk their lives for the high they hope to receive.

We, ordinary citizens, who incidentally pay our MSP premiums, are waiting for months or even years to receive medical attention. We have more than a fentanyl crisis, we have a  major health-care crisis affecting the entire population of B.C.

Attending to these addicts repeatedly, every day, taxes our health-care system even more.  One chance, revived then delivered to a facility where they have no access to any drugs, rehabilitate them and they can then choose their own path in life, be it productive and contributing to society or falling into their previous drug abuse. Whatever it is, they and they alone have the opportunity to choose since they have already received medical attention.

We are currently providing safe injection and prevention sites and it puzzles me why we are catering to them when I believe some of them have no desire to be rehabilitated. This is an enormous drain on both our human and financial resources.

I suggest the government address the current health-care crisis that affects the majority of citizens. Then establish a one-time-only policy for the drug addicts. We will have to accept the consequences of perhaps many deaths, but it may very well deter others who may be tempted to indulge in a very dangerous activity.

Vivian Field


Parksville Qualicum Beach News