Mayor Andy Adams’ announcement of his intention to run for a second term as our city’s mayor has unofficially kicked off the municipal election campaign.
Related: Campbell River’s mayor will run again
Now the question will be: who will oppose him in pursuit of the mayor’s seat? You may not like Adams’ record in council and you may love it. If you don’t like it, it is incumbent upon you to consider running against him. Or, if you don’t want to run for mayor, you can run for a seat as a councillor. That is your right. No, it’s your responsibility (at the very least, we hope you vote in the fall election).
It is the nature of the beast that incumbent politicians are the target of comments from those dissatisfied with the city’s state of affairs. And that’s fine. But it’s also a fact that one of the most consistent factors in a successful re-election bid is being an incumbent. Each election elicits comments – particularly on social media – that we need change but yet each election we return many of the sitting councillors to office. We’re not saying that’s a bad thing – in fact, it could be argued experience is a good thing – but it makes you wonder where all the dissatisfied votes went?
So, get involved in your civic election this fall, get informed and make your vote count. Don’t leave it to somebody else.