Sergeant Mike Sanchez of the Surrey Gang Enforcement Team at Erma Stephenson Elementary, where he presented a hard-hitting presentation that aims to stop kids from entering gangs. (Photo: Amy Reid)

Sergeant Mike Sanchez of the Surrey Gang Enforcement Team at Erma Stephenson Elementary, where he presented a hard-hitting presentation that aims to stop kids from entering gangs. (Photo: Amy Reid)

OUR VIEW: Proactive anti-gang program in Surrey elementary schools hits home

Praise for proactive policing in Surrey

This newspaper has published many an editorial calling the police to action in the wake of the latest drive-by shootings that plague this city’s streets.

The public should always expect 100 per cent from those tasked with keeping us safe and building cases to put criminals behind bars, and we will continue to do our best to remind Surrey’s finest of that ongoing expectation.

Today, it’s time to give credit where it is due.

The Surrey RCMP Gang Enforcement Team is visiting elementary schools to deliver a poignant, straight-up message through its Shattering the Image program.

See more: VIDEO: The inspiration behind a Surrey gang presentation in elementary schools

The message? A gangster’s life is often literally short-lived, or for the lucky, is lived inside the confines of a prison cell.

Our lead story in today’s issue, the first in a series, takes a look at this proactive effort on the police’s part to curb recruitment of local children into this bloody and banal criminal activity.

While it would be naive to expect this program to drop a final curtain on gang violence in Surrey, it certainly seems to be making an impact already.

And in our opinion, if even only one child is deterred from joining a gang, the program has done its job.

So, we congratulate the Surrey RCMP. Not only do they react swiftly to combat crime as it happens – and in the aftermath to get gangsters off the streets – they are also working diligently at the front end to dissuade Surrey children from joining a gang, which would be the worst choice of their young life.


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