OUR VIEW: Riding to the rescue of the Knights

We say: Appeal to community results in largest single day of donations

Well done, Campbell River. You came through for the Knights of Columbus Christmas Hamper Fund.

It’s not clear why, perhaps the snowstorm that hit on Dec. 10 impacted the amount of donations, but whatever the reason, this time last week, the Knights of Columbus were only at 62 per cent of their goal for this year’s Hamper Fund. Another challenge was that the deadline and the delivery day were over a week ahead of Christmas Day, due to the vagaries of the calendar. That would mean some people would not get gifts and food this Christmas and perhaps many would get less.

However, the Knights of Columbus rang the alarm bells, got the word out and made a plea to the community for help. The result was a record day for donations last week and their goal had been reached.

The Christmas Hamper Fund is Campbell River’s most  high-profile Christmas charity. It’s one of many, of course, but it gets the biggest number of people involved and reaches a large number of people who could use a helping hand.

Campbell Riverites have proven to be generous people throughout the year, not just at Christmas, although they save their best effort for this season.

Keep up the good work.


Campbell River Mirror