B.C. Liberal leader Andrew Wilkinson and B.C. Premier John Horgan. (Black Press Media files)

B.C. Liberal leader Andrew Wilkinson and B.C. Premier John Horgan. (Black Press Media files)

OUR VIEW: Snap election is last thing we need right now

People are worried about their health and making ends meet – not about who their MLA or MP is

Here we are in the middle of a pandemic. Meanwhile, politicians are navel gazing about elections.

What Surrey residents, B.C. residents, Canadian residents need is a semblance of stability in these stressful times.

People are worried about their health, the health of their loved ones, their jobs, making ends meet. They’re not worried about who their MLA or MP is, unless of course they are true believers. People simply want whomever is currently in power to rise to the task of making 2020 a little more bearable.

They certainly don’t have time for snarky name-calling and political hucksterism right now.

Nor are people likely keen on lining up to vote, or having political candidates knocking on their doors, given all the COVIDiots out there. Not to mention being bombarded with vain promises.

SEE ALSO: Threat of fall federal election eases as COVID-19 cases continue to rise

SEE ALSO: Premier Horgan peppered with questions about potential fall election in B.C.

B.C. does not have to have a general election until September 2021, but speculation is rife that Premier John Horgan might well call a snap election before then, giddy over polls indicating his NDP is much more popular than Andrew Wilkinson’s Liberals.

Federally, the next election doesn’t have to take place until Oct. 16, 2023, and yet there have been rumblings of a fall election. Possibly, maybe.

Imagine going to vote twice, and being bombarded with all that political rhetoric, as the rain and cold winds blow and the flu season – not to mention the spectre of a second wave of COVID-19 – is upon us.

And why? Because politicians think they might stand a better chance of being elected or re-elected now, when they should be fully focused on serving the public rather than themselves.

Calling a snap election now could well bite them at the polls if voters don’t bother to participate, or punish them for unnecessarily foisting an early election upon them.

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