Park proposed for Watkiss Way site

We wish to present a proposal to Saanich council with respect to a potential new park on Watkiss Way

On Nov. 23, we wish to present a proposal to Saanich council with respect to a potential new park on Watkiss Way.

The property, which is located directly across the street from Victoria General Hospital, is the piece of property currently being logged of 5,000 trees for hay fields.

Through the mayor, we have asked the owners to halt further removal of trees until an alternative can be proposed, and they have agreed.

Our proposed new park, with a working name of “Watkiss Way Park”, is a 30-acre treed lot, with wonderful potential for walking paths through the forests, around the wetland, and across the meadows.  The plan is that, eventually, the park trails would connect to the Galloping Goose and Thetis Lake Park trail systems, in a grand circle hiking tour.

I have had the good fortune to walk through the property on several occasions and it is truly eye-poppingly beautiful.

If you wish to learn more about our proposal for the new Watkiss Way park, please visit our Facebook page at:

Our presentation to Saanich council will recommend that a joint Saanich-View Royal committee be struck to examine the feasibility of the new park.

The committee’s process must be open, transparent and public-inclusive to ensure a fair, balanced and effective review is conducted.

To help save the property of Watkiss Way – and the 5,000 trees – for perpetuity, please become an active advocate for Watkiss Way park by writing to your council at:;;

Thanks in advance for your support.

Dave Poje



Saanich News