People are the problem, not the bears

"This is only directed to the people who continue to call CO’s and report that there is a bear in their yard or in this case, a tree."

Why does it take eight shots to kill a mother and a baby cub?

This is only directed to the people who continue to call CO’s and report that there is a bear in their yard or in this case, a tree.

What is it going to take to get it through your heads? You think killing a mother bear and her cub that is trapped in a tree deserves to have five rounds of lead blown into her body and dropping dead to the ground as her baby cub watches in horror knowing it is next and will receive three rounds in him?

All because she is forced to sit in a tree for two days because she is too terrified to come down because dogs are hazing her, people taking pictures, and others gawking at her?

On top of this, the apples that attracted the bears to the property is ladden with apples and it is on city property.

• Manage your attractants!

• Deal with your own problems and do not call a CO. Let him do what he is trained to do and that is to stop poachers and other illegal activity in the bush.

• You don’t want your fruit, cut down you tree and plant non-fruit bearing trees.

• Bears breaking into your personal structures; buy a bear proof garbage bin and leave it outside where he can access it. Once he discovers he can’t get the garbage, he’ll move onto the next property and hopefully the next property is bear smart too.  A sample of a bear proof bin is at the City of Trail-invest and protect.

• It just takes one idiot to screw things up so hold your neighbors accountable. Report your neighbors, not the bears because the bears are not the problem. It’s the people who attract them into the neighborhood.

• There is a bear in your backyard- go inside! And don’t come out until he is gone! Not rocket science people.

It is not your God given right to do whatever the hell you want on your property. It is illegal to feed wildlife intentional or not!

Darcee O’Hearn


Trail Daily Times