

People need to respect nature and private property

We have huge boundary problems.

People need to respect nature and private property

Re: “Maintaining elk population means new ideas necessary”, (Citizen, April 13)

Very well written Simon Knott. I have also spoken with police last week about abusive behavior from drivers speeding and pushing elk with there trucks. No respect for nature.

With the invasion of new venues and people wanting to trespass as they feel it is their right, we have huge boundary problems. And it appears we will need to contact the department of highways and forest companies etc., environmental support from Weaver’s Green Party etc. on our own, as the police are unable to cover all areas.

1. We have to slow down and make speed signs 50 or 60s, not 50, 60 and 80 all on one block, as the format is not effective.

2. Visitors think 80 mean 120 km. Even 80 and 100 km are too fast for our natural environment. Everyone needs to slow down for this environment period.

3. More signage and information have to make this very clear and no freedom to roam on private lots unless you pay my taxes. (You come for the wildlife encounters, let’s make sure there is some left for the future generations.)

4. This includes our forests, too; stop the madness TimberWest, it is a disgrace what you are doing. We are sick of hundreds of new and old growth leaving our country for your profit and you have no consideration at 2:30 a.m. that you are driving through a community that hears your trucks roaring down the road.

5 . Freedom means enjoying our community without trespassing, damaging our parks (broken beer bottles and plastic toys and smoking in forest are not OK).

Karen Holmes

Lake Cowichan

Cowichan Valley Citizen