Perplexed by plans to log Upper Clearwater

We located here because we love Wells Gray and its pristine beauty and biodiversity

Editor, The Times:

I’m writing to call attention to the proposed logging by Canfor in our valley.

We own 93 acres in the upper valley. Years ago we built a house here for our retirement. We located here because we love Wells Gray and its pristine beauty and biodiversity.

There is widespread local concern and a feeling that the government and Canfor will proceed regardless of local opposition. Some years ago the community wrestled with the logging problem for many months, leading to an agreement with the government. Apparently this agreement has no value.

Hearing about the plans to log the gateway perplexes us. I am familiar with the old clear-cuts on the Trophy Mountains and the terrible, dangerous and expensive road washouts. If Canfor is so certain their logging will not cause washouts, maybe they should be willing to promise the Ministry of Transport to pay for any subsequent road repairs.

As a resident with medical issues I am at risk of isolation without medical care if the road is out. Fires and power outages also puts all of us more at risk without escape access.

We are perplexed at the disconnect between actions of different government bureaucracies. On the one hand, tourism is actively promoted. The park’s tourism value will continue to build as other pristine wild areas disappear, especially if it becomes a UNESCO site.

On the other hand the ministry responsible for forests would damage the beautiful views into the park and put huge logging trucks on the narrow park road with the huge numbers of RVs that come to the park each summer.

And lastly, what about the endangered mountain caribou? Who speaks for them?

Once again, immediate profit trumps long-term investment.

Susan Dalby


Upper Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times