I cannot understand why we would allow new jails over a new hospitals that we need so badly.
Penticton is in dire need of a new hospital, so I think we need to flood Premier Christie Clark’s email and her postal box with hundreds and thousands of letters
We have the finest doctors and nurses at this hospital and need to help make their jobs easier and more efficient for them. They work with all this outdated equipment and poor and overcrowded conditions and no room for patients.
It is almost laughable when you think what they will give the inmates at the new jail. They will get a brand new, first-class building, brand new computers, brand new workout rooms, brand new everything that they need.
What will our doctors get as they try to operate and save your life or help you with the surgery that you need?
Guess that can be done with outdated equipment and rooms that are too small for them to work in. The overcrowding is so disgusting and no one in the government seems to care.
Please voice your opinion to the premier at premier@gov.bc.ca and help us get that new hospital that Penticton needs.
Doris de Grood