Please, Courtenay, do something about root damage to popular walkway

Dear editor,

Rather than waste on some paint for Fitzgerald Avenue, how about spending some to pave the Courtenay River Heritage Walk?

Dear editor,

Re: New bicycle lanes.

City of Courtenay: Rather than waste tens of thousands of dollars on some paint for Fitzgerald Avenue, how about spending some to pave the Courtenay River Heritage Walk path behind the A&W that actually gets some use?

Did you know that within six months of the last ‘repair’ it was all humped up and cracked again?

This is at least the third time and would be every year if not left so long. I know because I go by there twice every day all year.

Also. while you are at it, hire a rocket scientist, because apparently it does take a rocket scientist to see that you do have to remove the tree roots and not just pave over them.

Please do not tell me the roots grew back in six months, trees will be undermined by doing this or that the trees need to be removed. It would be cheaper to pay summer students to hand-dig and trim the roots or form a barrier against root incursion than repaving.

It’s well past the time that this ongoing problem was fixed instead of painting over the cracks.

I’m tired of bumping over the extensive root damage twice a day riding to work. Some elderly person is going to trip over them in the dark while dog-walking.

As to the bike lanes on Fitzgerald Ave? Hi-vis reminders to drivers/voters that you are doing something for bicyclists.

Doesn’t matter if they work or are wanted by bicyclists, it just has to look good — nothing more.

Mike Rogers,



Comox Valley Record