PM can thank Liberals for financial picture

Credit for Canada's relatively healthy financial status

Re: Canada’s PM hasn’t done such a bad job (Letters, Feb. 15)

Eileen Nattrass asserts that “Our prime minister has taken care of Canada brilliantly” because “Canada is the only country to survive the mess in the financial world.”

She can thank Jean Chrétien and Paul Martin, who ignored Harper’s pressure to emulate the U.S. arbitrage banks and jump into the speculative market. By the time Harper won a majority, the financial mess was so deep and broad that likely even Harper saw the wisdom of keeping the Liberal banking approach.

Nattrass can thank the same Liberals for Canada not joining the vengeful Iraq campaign, since Chrétien chose not to sign on in the absence of a UN resolution.

So, it seems that Harper’s “brilliance” was to maintain Chrétien and Martin’s careful strategy, for which Harper is trying to claim credit.

As usual, Harper shows his colours as an unprincipled demagogue.

Michael Meagher


Victoria News