PM’s theme song? ‘Wrecking Ball’

Parksville resident expresses dismay over Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Nobel Peace Prize nomination.

To the Editor,

The CEO of B’nai Brith Canada, in his capacity as Professor of Modern Israel Studies at Canada Christian College, has nominated Canada’s Prime Minister Stephen Harper for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize.

Surely, having seen what has just taken place in Gaza during the past few weeks, there should be a joint nomination to include Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

When former US President Jimmy Carter received the coveted Nobel Peace Prize in 2002, there was a concert in Oslo with entertainers that included Willie Nelson and Santana. Knowing that Mr. Harper regards himself as a musician, and remembering the part that Mr. Netanyahu has had in demolishing so much of Gaza, it seems appropriate that a celebratory concert in Oslo should include Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus, and that at such a sombre event she be accompanied by Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Bernie Smith,


Alberni Valley News