Policies bring pain

Policy of austerity only contributes to increasing unemployment (with Harper’s new limited benefits) and a decreasing tax base

The recent letter by Cody Young of Penticton hit the nail right on the head and is factual, not emotional. The Harper government caters to corporations and shareholders.

Under Harper’s leadership, corporate taxes have been reduced by six per cent with no evidence whatsoever of Canadian job creation as a result. Quite the opposite — corporations are sitting on these windfalls, investing offshore or just paying higher dividends to shareholders.

I agree that corporations should be given tax advantages, but only if they are creating jobs in Canada, not offshore. Canada has one of the lowest corporate tax rates in the world, being taken advantage of by firms that are not creating Canadian jobs.

I have no idea how anyone can support Harper’s policies which are an attack on the middle and lower income earners, and all I hear from staunch Conservatives (not Progressive Conservatives) is fear-mongering and gobbledegook. Harper and his MPs remind me of the guy who pees on your leg and tells you it’s raining.

People who support the CPP reductions, EI restrictions and dismantling of the environment protection should seriously review their morals. The Conservative party is a party of the well-to-do, comparable to the U.S. Republican Party.

Harper’s policy of austerity does not work and only contributes to increasing unemployment (with Harper’s new limited benefits) and a decreasing tax base.

I hope all 18-50 year olds have enough foresight to realize the impact of the CPP changes to their future well-being and take action to defeat this dictatorship in the next federal election.

Patrick MacDonald





Penticton Western News