Politicians too concerned about iPads and perks

In 18 months you show up at the office 24 times? How long do you figure you would be in business?

Editor, The Times:

Let’s say that you own a business? In 18 months you show up at the office 24 times? How long do you figure you would be in business? Or you are a worker and show up for work 24 times in 1 1/2 half years. How long would you be working there? You finally get your butt in gear and decide to get to it and get some things done? Wait, first thing on agenda is buying some iPads for you and the rest of your buddies (at $500-plus each for a total of $138,000 plus a dollar or two more). But now you can play games on your new toys.

This is our government I’m talking about folks. How many meals would this money buy for our 10.4 per cent of B.C. children living below the poverty level? Hold on now! We have a party in Opposition. Will they jump up and down and yell their heads off about this? NO! They got some of the iPads as well. Just like the raises and pensions they got, they will not utter a word!

Their biggest concern in these economic bad times is how much of the premier’s breasts are showing! I am a proud member of the ReFederation Party of BC and I say it as I see it.

Wayne Russell


Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times