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Poorly placed arena leaks

Leaky roof does nothing to restore faith in councils

Dear Editor,

Having lived in Langley for 49 years and having seen almost everything, I must comment on the latest.

Grandson played ball hockey at the new Aldergrove arena at 9 p.m. on April 6.

During an intermittent downpour, what everyone saw, besides ball hockey, was one of the refs down on his knee, mopping up water from the new arena roof which had a leak.

I now understand why the parking lot is smal. It’s because the location of the whole place in the town is wrong, the arena leaks, and the outdoor swimming pool resembles an afterthought.

Unfortunately, I have always had misgivings about the councils that have come and gone in the Langleys, and that certainly continues for me now.

James Charles, Brookswood

Langley Times