Port Hardy steps up for visitors

My wife, myself and several friends traveled to Port Hardy the last week of July for a week of salmon fishing.

My wife, myself and several friends traveled to Port Hardy the last week of July for a week of salmon fishing.

This is the third year we have visited Port Hardy.

On our first trip we met an exceptional gentleman who lives there. Mr. Pierce Clegg welcomed us into the community like old lost friends. He could not do enough for us while we were there, helping us learn some of the fishing spots and highlights of the area.

Again this year two more Port Hardy businessmen joined Pierce in showing us just what kind of people live in this great little town at the top of Vancouver Island.

Jim Henschke of Jim’s Hardy Sports went beyond his business obligation to explain the fishing areas and techniques for a successful salmon fishing trip. What he did for us at his store and at the marina was more than any traveling fisherman should expect.

Because of his caring about our well-being we had a very successful trip.

If Port Hardy has a business or  businessman of the month (or year) it surely must go to Jim at Tri-Port Marine Services.

When we had major mechanical problems with our boat, Jim made himself immediately available to help out. He stayed way past working hours the first night we contacted him to diagnose the problem.

He then ordered parts from Nanaimo to be put on the bus knowing he would not receive them until 5 p.m. or later.

This meant he would have to work late into the evening to install them. Because of this gentlemen’s big-heartedness we missed only one day of fishing.

To some that may not seem important, but when you travel two thousand miles and have only five days to fish, it is huge.

Because of the friendships we have built with these people, Port Hardy is our vacation destination of choice. And it will surely be the place we recommend to our fishing and vacationing friends.

Port Hardy can be proud to have such distinguished, caring citizens as the ones whom we have met in the short time we have been visiting this community.

Mitch and Shirley Sanchotena

Caldwell, Idaho


North Island Gazette