Port Theatre expansion an asset to city

All the whining and crying about the money for the Port Theatre expansion is so misunderstood.

To the Editor,

Re: New stage doesn’t make business sense, Letters, Sept. 30.

All the whining and crying about the money for the Port Theatre expansion is so misunderstood.

The truth is the Port Theatre belongs to the City of Nanaimo; its contribution is an investment in the future of events that would perform elsewhere. For $4.6 million, the city gets a $12 million asset.

The amazing Port staff and volunteer board of directors run the venue professionally as a team for the city. We, who wanted quality entertainment closer to home, fundraised to build this theatre, and will fundraise to finally build the extension, as always planned, and it too will be owned by the City of Nanaimo.

Strong advocates who love Nanaimo proudly volunteered their precious time and supported the need for arts and culture and employment, knowing the theatre would be gifted to the city.

Patricia Grandpast vice-presidentHarbourfront Theatre Society


To the Editor,

Re: Theatre critics pan city council’s performance, Letters, Sept. 18.

In all due respect, I too very much appreciate the arts and theatre, enjoying the good things in life. However, the luxury and privilege to attend performances at the theatre is not possible because of excruciating pain.

I understand there is a large  amount of money being delegated for the theatre by city council. Perhaps  council is unaware that there are many folks like me out there living in constant disabling pain, waiting for treatment. Feeling our suffering, your vote would have been a lot different, I believe and hope. I can’t help but think that it could have been money  spent more kindly and humanly.

Erika Kishvia e-mail

Nanaimo News Bulletin