To the Editor,
Re: Supporters of efforts in Cuba misguided, Letters, April 16.
To know everything about Cuba is not possible for anyone.
It is rare that Cuban news is shared with North Americans via the media.
So with the purpose of learning about Cuban systems and policies, I have read much and traveled extensively in Cuba on four different occasions during the past five years.
Here are a few of the many positives that I have learned.
The Cuban government is delivering water to 100,000 homes in Havana because of the worst drought in 50 years; homes are provided for all; education and medical treatment are free; and all children enjoy current dental care – corrective and preventative.
Well-trained Cuban doctors are sent to many Third World countries to do their practicums – many stay to do humanitarian work.
I look to the many international gatherings of intelligent, thoughtful humanitarians who support Cuba.
The World Wild Life Organization applauds Cuban efforts in protecting the biosphere more than any other country; The United Nations has for 11 years voted to lift the U.S. blockade against Cuba and free the Cuban Five; and the World Health Organization lists multiple Cuban medical contributions to preventative and curative health for all nations of the world.
Ruth Caspell