Protect the innocent


Re: Dog attacks ‘leave neighbours fearful,’ May 4.

How many more of these types of stories concerning vicious animals are we going to have to endure?


Re: Dog attacks ‘leave neighbours fearful,’ May 4.

How many more of these types of stories concerning vicious animals are we going to have to endure?

I would like to know why they are even considered “pets.” What are these people guarding that they have to have dangerous animals in a neighbourhood where innocent people and their children reside?

It is such a ridiculous situation that these people and the law have put us peaceful-minded citizens in. They are a minority, and the majority says “enough is enough.”

Why is nobody listening and why does there have to be court involvement to change the laws governing these certain types of animals? All it takes is one stroke of the pen and the situation could be cleared up. Who is going to have the fortitude to make this happen?

If the people in authority can’t make this so, maybe they should take this to a vote and let us taxpaying citizens decide for them.

The message has already been loud and clear, so why hasn’t it been implemented? Get off your butts and protect the innocent like you were hired to do.


Patricia Seggie, Surrey


Peace Arch News