Public shaming well deserved

What’s worse, they actually stuck around to defend their actions – as though it was their right.


There are other, more colourful (and unprintable) words being used around Sicamous to describe the group of men resident Brent Graf captured on video last Thursday afternoon while picking his daughter up from Eagle River Secondary.

According to Graf and other witnesses, the men parked next to the high school on Main Street, got out of their pickup trucks (with Alberta plates) and proceeded to urinate in public – just as students were leaving the school for home.

What’s worse, they actually stuck around to defend their actions – as though it was their right.

One student spoke up to the men, condemning their utterly disrespectful behaviour. An altercation ensued and Graf says one of the men struck the student.

Graf says the men had clearly been consuming alcohol.

So, lets add up the possible points against: public urination/indecency; assaulting a minor; public intoxication and maybe even impaired operation of a motor vehicle.

(Police are currently investigating, and have yet to decide on what charges will be pursued.)

Whether or not any or all the men involved were from Alberta was unknown at press time. However, it’s unlikely Graf’s video, which clearly identifies two Alberta licence plates, has done anything to improve the existing love/tolerate relationship many locals have for our Albertan guests. As always, it’s a few bad apples who are responsible for a sour impression. Or, in this case, a few morons, who we hope are made an example of in whichever community they hail from.


Salmon Arm Observer